Search Results
Olympic Runner DEADLIFTS 500 Pounds! (227kg)
500 Pound Deadlift STRAIGHT into a Sub 5 Minute Mile! (update)
500 Pounds is NOT a HEAVY DEADLIFT {Response to Zach Homol}
Olympic Runner Enters a POWERLIFTING Competition
Deadlift 227.5 kg
Lift Your Bodyweight, WIN $1,000!
Road to 500! My 1 Year 405-500LB Deadlift Transformation
500/5: 500lb Deadlift and a sub 5 minute mile in the same day
DEADLIFT 400lbs + SPRINT 400m in Under 60 Seconds
Beat My DEADLIFT Win $100 vs Frat Boys
Catch This Football WIN $100!
You should be able to DEADLIFT your MILE TIME